Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Under Construction

OK... so everyone in Mauldin seems to have a different story. Here are the facts -
1. My last Sunday serving at New Hope is Aug. 26th.
2. I will be out of the parsonage by Sept. 30th.
3. I agreed to these terms with the Deacons of NHBC. Yes we asked to stay until January. No we didn't get "run off". I have never heard of anyone agreeing to be "run off". Actually I've been "run off" before, and this was nothing like that! I feel that this is best for Chad and myself, and maybe for New Hope as well.
4. NHBC is paying my salary and benefits through September. This is very kind and I am most appreciative of it.
5. I love NHBC and in no way want to see anything we have done or begun stop. Case in point, I am leaving all of my sound equipment in the gym so that the early service will not skip a beat. (pardon the pun)

I hope that this clears the air and you can now go out and tell everyone.... not! You do and I'll hunt you down like the evangelism linebacker! If your going to do anything, go tell someone that Jesus loves them, and that they can know the one who created them. Tell them who their daddy really is! If we talked about Him as much as we talk about each other, what a different world this would be.

I will be removing my link from in a few days, so note that you will no longer be able to link to this blog from there. You can however, type in the address and reach me from there. I soon will have a new web page with lots of exciting news and reports from the church planting scene.

My new house in Mauldin is indeed under construction, I'll post some pics tomorrow.

No, I haven't forgotten about the pics of Noah. I'll post them soon.... I promise!


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