Monday, August 27, 2007

First Day (not at the office)

There are so many things that need to be done and need my attention at Metamorphosis... but all day was spent in a surgical waiting room with my dad in Greenwood. Mom was in surgery for almost 7 hours! She is doing well, and will be in the hospital for at least two weeks.

I'm pumped about a meeting I will have tomorrow with a friend of mine from North Greenville College (University Now) that has been a part of a church plant since we were at NGC together. I hope to learn some things that will help us save a lot of time and energy as we don't want to waste any time.

Pray that I get a new computer soon. This is the first MAJOR investment of funds we have and I want to make the right choice. Anyone got G5, iMac, or MacBook Pro sitting around their not using?

Thanks for all your prayers.... keep up the good work ;) Rob

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