Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Prayer Requests

Pray for mom. Dad called today to say that they have found a blood clot in her leg and will be putting in a "Green Filter" tomorrow AM. This is a filter they but in to catch the clot before it reaches the heart.

Pray for our Launch Team meeting this Friday. We will be viewing our first custom made video that I hope to have completed Thursday. The meetings are for anyone that has any interest in what God is doing through Metamorphosis. Pastor Chad shares the vision, the needs, and the method that we are using to reach those that are far from God.

Pray for Jayson Payne's Mom who will get the results of an important test tomorrow. Some other tests have shown that her cancer may be coming back, and she will learn the more definitive results of that test tomorrow.

Pray that God keeps me in the center of His will.

Thanks for your prayers!!! They make all the difference.


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