Thursday, October 18, 2007

What a day!

Big shout out to Joe Cuyar for letting me use his Mac to do some video work today, and to Johnathan Elrod who put me on to the company I used to send out our email newsletter today. There really are more than 3 ways to skin a cat! (I've still only seen two in person)

Prayer requests: Pray for mom (again) - she goes to have her artificial knee reinstalled this coming Monday. For Mandy - she is still having daily headaches.
For my computer and the folks at CompUSA if they don't get it fixed tomorrow. Jayson Payne and his mission team left for the mountains of Tenn. today. Pray for safe and productive trip.

Today I got to hang out with a friend of mine who is the Worship Leader at my father-in-law's church in Belton. Thanks for a few moments of interrupted calm Tim!

Needs for the new church: Anyone got an enclosed trailer I could borrow? Does your church or work have one? Just tell me where it is and I'll go get it late tomorrow night! (just kidding) Seriously if you have anyone I could talk to about it I would love to have a way to haul our gear to the school next weekend. It is possible that it will rain again before Thanksgiving!

This is a whole lot of nothing I know, but I felt like I had to say something..... what a day!!!

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