Thursday, October 11, 2007

Good News!

I'm headed to the parsonage to get my last few things out of the basement! Tonight we celebrate my brother-in-laws birthday, and tomorrow we leave for Charleston for the annual Pig Pickin'.

This is put on my Mandy Ardis' family who was Mandy's roommate in college. It is always the offical begining of fall for the Funderburk Family.

Mom actually came to the new house and did some painting last week! Her new knee should go in sometime next month. The infection is less but not gone.

We spent all night last friday in the ER with Drew. He is much better now.

Keep us in your prayers!


1 comment:

Crystal said...

what was wrong with drew?!
im glad hes okay.
tell him i said hey.
and i miss him.
and you & mandy & alex too.
<3 crystal