Thursday, October 4, 2007

I'm back...again

OK so it's raining and I can't move anything from the parsonage, Mandy's head finally quit hurting after5 days, and I have spent almost a whole day in the office catching up on some work. I'm begining to feel a little less stressed!

Mom is going to the doc tomorrow to find out if the infection is gone, leaving, or what. Please pray for her.

The new house is actually becoming a little more comfortable. I haven't been able to do any real work until Mandy's headache goes away, but I did get the last door in last night and we actually have a door knob in the bathroom door! It was nice to be able to find some solice in the bathroom without Alex coming in wanting a hug. (yea she's daddy's girl!)

The church is really happening. We will have a worship service this Sunday Night with our launch team and our prospective worship leader. I'm trying to track down some sound equipment for that meeting, so if you have something we can use call me!

Chad and I are meeting with Johnathan Elrod tomorrow for lunch and he is going to get our website up soon after. We are down to two logos and Johnathan is bringing a couple of others to the meeting. We hope to get some print material and other things done next week that will help us "brand" our image.

Special thanks to the Baldwin's for helping me with a storage space and all the free goodies! Jane has also asked to cook a meal for the entire launch team!!!!!

Well, that's an update for now. I'll write tomorrow and let you know what we did last night.


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