Monday, October 22, 2007

I'm getting ready to move again!

Now don't freak, I'm just talking about my blog. I will be moving it to

This is linked to our new church website and you can actually go there now to see the countdown and the link to Pastor Chad's blog too.

Lots of equipment should be coming via UPS this week as we had no luck renting any of the sound gear we need. I have answered this question in person no less than 20 times now so I'm going to post the question and answer here for you all to read.

Question: If you knew you were going to need so much sound equipment, why didn't you take what belonged to you from New Hope before you left?

Answer: Because I have lugged that gear around for four years with little to no use. Mandy suggested years ago that I sell it. I told her then it was for a particular purpose that I still had it, and we would know what that purpose was when we saw it. The purpose was to help get the 8:30 service at New Hope off the ground. It accomplished that purpose well, and as far as I am concerned when it was put into service there, it was given to God for His purpose. End of story, end of discussion. Praise God, New Hope has continued that service and that blesses my heart! God will provide for Metamorphosis! He has given me a little talent with making some crappy stuff sound pretty good, and I am using my talent!

There.... I feel much better now.

This will be my last post here. See you at the new site!


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