Wednesday, September 5, 2007

He's ready to use you..... are you ready to be used?

This was the parting sentence of one of my favorite bloggers..... Noah (Crystal S)

I have sat here pondering this for a few minutes.

There are a lot of people in my life right now that seem to be sitting in three different categories. (1) On fire for Christ. (2) Waiting to see what Christ is going to do for them. (3) Being used by the enemy.

Let me start with (3)
I heard an awesome sermon by my favorite pastor a couple of weeks ago on Saul's life before God changed him. He was working hard for "the cause". He was a religious zealot that was doing to the best of his ability what he thought was right. "The Church" was upset at all these "Christians" coming in with all this stuff about Jesus being the Messiah. So... they were circling the wagons and trying to get these folks to go back to what they had taught them religion was all about.
Saul had an eye opening experience ( well first an eye closing.... then an eye opening....) and learned that what he had been doing was playing for the wrong team.
Make certain that in all you are doing, you are doing it for Christ Jesus and not Satan. You can only do this if you have a rock-solid relationship with Jesus, just as Paul did. (The change was in more than his name too)

(2) -- You can't sit on the side line! Get in the game, or get off the field. Find what Jesus is doing and go join Him. ****IM NOT TALKING ABOUT WHERE YOUR GOING TO WORSHIP**** If Jesus is going to use you, you've got to let Him do it! He's going to accomplish what He wants with or with out you, so it's your choice to be usable or to do nothing leaving it for someone else to do.

(1) I have been pumped up by some of the spiritual maturity I've seen in folks that I really didn't expect it from. I have prayed for the last two days that God give me more unsaved friends to be a example for Christ in front of. Today, as I was working outside my new home, a young man stopped to ask what I was going to do with the wood from the oak tree that we just had cut down. I think that this guy may be the first in the answer to that prayer. Church is for lost people! I'm asking God to give me His love for the lost.

Thank you Crystal for your post every day. You are inspiring me to remember that Jesus can use teens in an awesome way!

- Later

1 comment:

Crystal said...

thank you mister robbie!
i miss you!!
hope everything is going well!