Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Tuesday catch up from Monday

We all had an awesome time Sunday. New Spring is really a church that is winning souls for Christ. Perry Noble, lead pastor at New Spring, brought an awesome message on Baptism. It was strong!

Mom is doing well, and my cousin Lori came up from Orlando Fl. to see her. I was so happy to see that girl. I hope she can come back to SC around the hollidays and we can hang out for a little longer.

God is doing some amazing things around me. I just look and awe at how he is putting all the pieces of an awesome church together.

Drew started his second year of preeschool at First Baptist Mauldin today. He cried a little, but soon fell in with his friends from last year.

Superman Returns - although this would be a great title for a message on the second coming of our Lord, this is the movie we watched tonight. Now we rarely watch movies, and found that watching a movie with an almost 4 yr old and a 16 mo. old is IMPOSSIBLE!!! There were some quotes that really caught my attention:

The world needs a savior...... Lois Lane

I want to give the world what is wants, and to get my cut. - Lex Luther

Book Title "Why the world needs Superman" - Lois

*** the scene when Superman comes bursting through the clouds in a ball of fire. (put him on a horse and that excites me!)

Night Night - Rob

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