Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Your Attention Please.... Robbie has left the building!

Hello from WROB! Tomorrow's forecast is "TOO COLD TO GO SKIING!!!!!" I just had to get that off my chest.

Today was a good day. I got to hang out with Drew a little this morning. He loves helping his Daddy with projects around the house and the church. Today we fixed the church alarm system and installed some new halogen lights out at the new sign. I didn't update it today, but tomorrow it will say "It is going to be every Sunday!"

I hope that someone is paying attention to it and is interested enough to come find out what IT is after 2 weeks of this!

A blog shout to Pat and Crystal S. who I've learned today are actually reading this. I had no idea how many folks were into this thing!

Sunday Preview -
  1. The Children's Choir will open both am services with some songs they've been working on.
  2. The Praise Team will have two new songs for worship at 8:30
  3. We will observe The Lord's Supper at both am services.

Ohh and we will have a "Covered Dish Dinner" after the 11:00 service that you don't want to miss!

I think I'm going to take the family to the lake anyway tomorrow when Mandy gets home from school. (about 4:00) You may have noticed the boat hasn't moved since I took it to Lake Greenwood with my buddy Jason. This was the year's first voyage and it ended as quick as it began. The raw water pump is broke and the seals around the rudder and drive shaft were leaking like crazy. Maybe I can take it to the lake and fix those problems tomorrow afternoon.

I heard something pretty cool tonight at church. As I was setting up some sound for the Children's Choir in the Gym, I heard Joey and Mitchel playing some music. What was so cool was Joey was playing the KEYS. Mitchell was playing an acoustic guitar and Joey was playing the keyboard. Our teens have some awesome talent and I'm so glad they are using it for HIM.

Keep Praying.... Keep Singing.... Keep Moving! (towards the SON that is)


1 comment:

Allen said...

Hello my friend. Glad you had a great day. Don't forget that we pick-up with personality profiles this weekend after the cover dish lunch. Have a great day.