Thursday, September 20, 2007

A long day at the............

So I'm ready to be done with the remodel project and get back to work! As you can see by the time of this post, this has been a LONG day. The hardwood is about 75% done and the carpet should be installed tomorrow. Ben came by today to help with the electrical install of all new switches and recpticles, and Mandy has the day off tomorrow to begin cleaning the floors and windows and touch painting all I have messed up in the process.
If you have a truck, a trailer, or just a bone in your leg.... please come help this weekend! The goal is to be living at the new house Sunday Night. This will give me a week to finish moving out of the parsonage and clean it up for the next guy. (which I pray happens soon)

Mom is still at home doing well, Dad may even get to come help move this Saturday!

I just emailed everyone the Metamorphosis Newsletter, so let me know if you didn't get it or you want it so I can make sure you get it or something......

OK bedtime!


Monday, September 17, 2007

I told you they were coming

Here is the first of several pictures I'll be showing you over the next few days.

My nephew--- Noah. This is my brother Randy's son.

Monday Monday Monday

Lots happening today.
Church - Events posted on Facebook; new email newsletter (ohh outlook never finished sending the newsletter from last week. I won't let that one happen again); logo update; lunch with Rodney from Greenville Tech BCM

House- Check on Carpet install; finish hardwood in kitchen; install bottom cabinets in kitchen; install shelving and door on pantry; finish plumbing in bath tub

Mom- At home, still hurting pretty bad

Kids- Had the best time with them yesterday. Alex is turning into a Daddy's Girl.

I'll let you in on some good stuff tomorrow.


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I laughed my head off....

OK so having a mac and actually learning how to use the thing has proven well worth the time. I am able to create some really cool things that I have tried to do in MS Publisher but was limited. Here is one more great example of what becomes very funny after using both platforms.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Carpet / Paint / Cabinets

The carpet will be installed next week. The paint should be finished tonight. The cabinets are going on the wall tomorrow. Get your trucks and trailers ready.... operation MOVEIT is coming!

Pray for mom.... she's still hurting pretty bad.

I promise pictures are coming... maybe even a movie if I get a chance.

Gotta get back to painting,

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Metamorphosis Game Day Coming Soon

My two lives

This is the perfect video for those of us with an artistic side....yet know when to cut it off. I have both a mac and pc side by side in my office right now... and that makes this even more funny!

Friday, September 7, 2007


Wow.... I was blown away at the stuff Johnathan Elrod knows about the web. He is going to hook us up with all kinds of stuff to get us on the right path with our web site. This was a big one on my "to do" list, and I'm so thankful for Johnathan.

Today I sent out the first newsletter from Metamorphosis. My prayer is that all who received it have someone they can forward it to. I would love to see lots of new faces at the launch team meeting this Sunday Night!

Well... gotta go paint!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

I Love BluefishTV

These guys are now posting some of their stuff on

Here is one that is a little old, but still good.

Thursday Thoughts after the fact

Today I did a little bit of everything.
Mom- i didn't call to get an update today. I assume that all is well.
The house - the painting WILL begin tomorrow. Wanna help?
The kids - Drew has begun his second year of preschool. He is getting so grown up. Alex is really begining to talk now. If you heard her you would probably not understand, but we do. Her favorite word....."MINE"
The church - we had a great staff meeting today. We are getting more organized and focused each day. The launch team meeting will be this Sunday, not Friday like usual. Two of our friends are getting married this Sat, so we moved the meeting to Sunday @6. This Sunday we are going to Discover Church to see what they are doing and how they are getting it done.
Joe Cuyar and I went to North Greenville Univ together and he is the worship leader at Discover. Actually, he is the one who convinced me to get a mac and make some real videos. Thanks man!

If you would like to attend Sunday Nights meeting... send me an email at and I'll give you all the details.
Also, we are starting a weekly newsletter via email from Metamorphosis Church. If you want to get this newsletter, shoot me an email and I'll set it up.

Tomorrow I meet with my friend, my musical hero and creative genius, Johnathan Elrod to work on our church web site. As soon as it goes public I'll post it here.

For all of you that are praying for me and the family.... thanks! God is constantly giving me exactly what I need.

Love ya,

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

He's ready to use you..... are you ready to be used?

This was the parting sentence of one of my favorite bloggers..... Noah (Crystal S)

I have sat here pondering this for a few minutes.

There are a lot of people in my life right now that seem to be sitting in three different categories. (1) On fire for Christ. (2) Waiting to see what Christ is going to do for them. (3) Being used by the enemy.

Let me start with (3)
I heard an awesome sermon by my favorite pastor a couple of weeks ago on Saul's life before God changed him. He was working hard for "the cause". He was a religious zealot that was doing to the best of his ability what he thought was right. "The Church" was upset at all these "Christians" coming in with all this stuff about Jesus being the Messiah. So... they were circling the wagons and trying to get these folks to go back to what they had taught them religion was all about.
Saul had an eye opening experience ( well first an eye closing.... then an eye opening....) and learned that what he had been doing was playing for the wrong team.
Make certain that in all you are doing, you are doing it for Christ Jesus and not Satan. You can only do this if you have a rock-solid relationship with Jesus, just as Paul did. (The change was in more than his name too)

(2) -- You can't sit on the side line! Get in the game, or get off the field. Find what Jesus is doing and go join Him. ****IM NOT TALKING ABOUT WHERE YOUR GOING TO WORSHIP**** If Jesus is going to use you, you've got to let Him do it! He's going to accomplish what He wants with or with out you, so it's your choice to be usable or to do nothing leaving it for someone else to do.

(1) I have been pumped up by some of the spiritual maturity I've seen in folks that I really didn't expect it from. I have prayed for the last two days that God give me more unsaved friends to be a example for Christ in front of. Today, as I was working outside my new home, a young man stopped to ask what I was going to do with the wood from the oak tree that we just had cut down. I think that this guy may be the first in the answer to that prayer. Church is for lost people! I'm asking God to give me His love for the lost.

Thank you Crystal for your post every day. You are inspiring me to remember that Jesus can use teens in an awesome way!

- Later

Tuesday catch up from Monday

We all had an awesome time Sunday. New Spring is really a church that is winning souls for Christ. Perry Noble, lead pastor at New Spring, brought an awesome message on Baptism. It was strong!

Mom is doing well, and my cousin Lori came up from Orlando Fl. to see her. I was so happy to see that girl. I hope she can come back to SC around the hollidays and we can hang out for a little longer.

God is doing some amazing things around me. I just look and awe at how he is putting all the pieces of an awesome church together.

Drew started his second year of preeschool at First Baptist Mauldin today. He cried a little, but soon fell in with his friends from last year.

Superman Returns - although this would be a great title for a message on the second coming of our Lord, this is the movie we watched tonight. Now we rarely watch movies, and found that watching a movie with an almost 4 yr old and a 16 mo. old is IMPOSSIBLE!!! There were some quotes that really caught my attention:

The world needs a savior...... Lois Lane

I want to give the world what is wants, and to get my cut. - Lex Luther

Book Title "Why the world needs Superman" - Lois

*** the scene when Superman comes bursting through the clouds in a ball of fire. (put him on a horse and that excites me!)

Night Night - Rob

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Our First Video from Metamorphosis

For 30 minutes training on my new Mac computer.... I think this turned out well. The idea behind this is to show everyone what the meeting place actually looks like as we plan for our first worship service in October.


Sorry, but the internet has been down for a couple of days here at the Funderburk House, and the computer has yet to make it to the office. In the few moments I have right now let me give you a quick update.

Mom- I just returned home from seeing her in Greenwood. She was in ICU for two days this week but is now back in a regular room. She has a secondary infection that they are fighting with yet another type of antibiotic. Please pray for her often. Specifically that she can be free from infection and pain.

My New Nephew - that's right.... Mandy's Brother had his son delivered into the world this morning. He is a cute little boy with red hair and dimples. Jacob Paul Webb 7.... pounds 19 inches long. I would say that pictures will come but you know the truth by now (hehe)

Jayson's Mom - NO CANCER!!!! Praise God!!!!

Church - We meet to go to New Spring in Anderson tomorrow AM. We are going to meet and caravan together where we will see one of the churchs that is really getting it done in Anderson. Wanna go? E - mail me at and if the internet continues to work....... I'll give you the details.
Web site is the first thing on the list for next week, so keep watching for something worth looking at at
Ohhh............... and I'm typing this on an '08 model iMac that I made our first video on for our launch team meeting yesterday. Special thanks to a special doner that made the new computer possable, and to Joe at Discover Church for showing me how it works. I think I can post the video on God Tube then link it here. Keep looking back for it soon.

House - We made some visiable progress this week in lots of areas. One of the huge oak trees are gone from the front yard, and it made a huge difference. Want Pictures? The goal at this very moment is to get the kids bedrooms finished and painted, as well as all of the drywall finished by Wednesday night. Consider this a prayer request also!

Family - All doing well. Mandy is off until Wednesday so we hope to get ahead of the game in our quest to finish the house and move in.

Have a great weekend and I look forward to telling you some of what I saw and experianced at New Spring tomorrow AM.

- Later