Monday, May 7, 2007

Needles, Pain, and Blessings

First let me assure you that I don't like needles. They HURT! The nurses lie to me when they say "now this will be a little stick" because it feels like they are sticking a tube in my arm, not a needle.

I say all of this to say I had a neat experience last week. The Blood Connection called me and asked me to give blood (as they do on a monthly basis) and the lady on the phone asked me if I could come in and give. Of course, I said "sure!" She then surprised me when she said, "I'll put you down for Thursday at 12:30 if that's alright. Again I said "Sure".

Now if I haven't mentioned it already..... I don't like needles.

I walked into the center at 12:25 and was greeted by a lady at a desk in the middle of the room. She was very kind and asked me for my name and if I had an appointment. I sat in the waiting room for only a minute where I read a little about what happens to the blood once it comes out of my arm through a NEEDLE.

I was then approached by a lady who called me by name, and asked me to come into another room to answer the 300 questions they ask you before they take your blood.

I was then led to THE CHAIR where THE NEEDLE is. The nurse was very kind and did say that it was going to hurt a little, SHE LIED! It really hurt. It hurt when it went in, while it was draining my body of it's life giving liquid, and even after it came out. HURT!!!

The nurse then bandaged my WOUND! And said to me, "We really appreciate you coming today and donating. This may help save someones life. We have a snack table for you to sit at for a few minutes and then go and have a blessed day." At that moment the pain went away.

No... not due to the snack table...... Little Debbie and I are not speaking right now

No, that pain left when I heard that little bit of pain may help to save someones life! I felt like Superman! And you know I only took a bottle of water and went to my car, excited about the next time I can go and have a NEEDLE stuck into my arm. A chance to help save someone else. As I climbed in I thought of our Sunday School teachers, choir members, nursery workers, Children's Ministry leaders, and others that work so hard each Sunday. I say to you.... the pain and suffering you sometimes experience in your ministry may save someones life. I pray that you find new passion for your ministry in the coming months, and know that I'm praying for you.
And for all of us (including me) that have not shared our faith with someone this week, what are you waiting for? If you don't have any unsaved friends.... go make some! If you know the way to Christ, show someone else The Way. You too can help save someones life! FOREVER

And be persistent. The Blood Connection has been calling me for months now. A kind voice that put me on the spot a little by making me an appointment did the trick and got me in the door. Now I can't wait until she calls again.

It's the same with unbelievers and church attendance isn't it? Put that friend or relative on the spot a little when you say.... "I'd like to take you to lunch Sunday, but you have to come to church with me..... I'll pick you up at 10:30." (Yes.... miss Sunday school to get them there!)

Be Creative, Be Compassionate, Thank them for coming. That's what the Blood Connection did, and that's what we need to do as Christians.


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