Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Eight Years and Counting......

That's right! Eight years of wedded bliss today! The best thing I ever did next to ask Jesus to be both my Lord and Savior, was to marry that girl! I did it eight years ago today. Surrounded by all of my closest friends and family, my wife agreed to graciously submit to me, and I promised to love her as Christ loved His church. Thankfully, I haven't given my life for her yet..... but I want you to know that I would.
Marriage really suits me. I like getting up in the same bed beside the same person (correction.... WOMAN) I like getting up beside the same woman every morning and knowing she is on my team. We often avert an argument simply by saying... we're on the same team, remember?
God has blessed me with a best friend, a lover, a mother to my kids, (and to me sometimes) a partner in HIS ministry, and will soon provide free medical care when she completes her RN next month! Who could ask for anything more? (Toyota!!!!! sorry..... it's an 80's thing)

Anyway, just thank God when you speak to Him today for my wife in what ever role she plays in your life. Billy Joel said it best.... "She's more than a woman to me...."

Now, tonight has been a challenge. Drew did something today that just blew my mind. This was a very bad thing! DADDY GOT MAD!!!
Daddy didn't put son in time out.... and much to my amazement Daddy didn't give son a spanking (I was too mad) I thought back to my Dad (my hero) and pondered what he would do in such a situation. This works well for me in that Drew has my personality. I thought for a moment and did just what my dad did to me. I sat him on his bed and explained the situation, why he was being punished, why I was so mad, why I was so disappointed, and what the punishment was. Now the punishment was that he had to go to sleep in his bed tonight. Bed time is our time to snuggle together and catch up on the day. You know.... How was school today? What did you learn? What are we going to do tomorrow? Prayer time! and watch our favorite TV program together "TRUCKS" until he goes to sleep. (Then I take him to his bed and he stays there the rest of the night)
Now tonight, I dressed him as always, got his chocolate milk and blanket as always, he laid in his bed and we said our prayers together, then I kissed him and left the room with tears in MY EYES. Turns out that "This is going to hurt me more than you" thing is somewhat plausible.

Knowing that I let my dad down hurt more sometimes than a spanking. Now it didn't matter as much to my brother.... but that's another post altogether.

Remember now, today is simply the tomorrow you were worried about yesterday.

Tomorrow........ take Drew to school early, take Mandy to doctor (in Anderson) take Mandy to school, pick up Drew from school, get about 6 hours of work done at church in 3 hours, and have a great day doing it.


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