Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Undocumented Americans / Undocumented Christians

I am right now sitting at my desk working on VBS and Father's Day at the same time. I have a splitting headache and have taken all the medicine I can get my hands on. I decided to do something to get my mind off of my headache and turned on the radio. So I'm listening to Rush and this lady calls in to tell all of America that we are wrong by not considering everyone in America "Americans" regardless of their national origin. Thats like us calling everyone who comes to church a Christian isn't it? You can be of another nationality and become an American, but there is a clear process in which to do so. Likewise, you can be a great person, and work hard for the church in many different ways, but there is a CLEAR PROCESS to becoming a Christian. It's a simple as ABC.

Have you really become a blood-bought Christian, or are you impersonating one illegally?

Remember, your relationship between you and your SAVIOR is between the two of you. You can fool your family, but HE knows the truth.

This is a matter of life and death. Life for eternity, or wishing you could die.... for eternity.


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