Friday, June 22, 2007

My Buddy Eric

Yes.... Eric Spann ladies and gentlemen!

VBS is over!!! See yall Sunday!!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Pray for Mom

Today Mom is having yet another operation on her knee. This is sort of an emergency situation as she has lots of infection that they are cleaning out today. I will be back to the church around 5:00 to put some stuff together for tomorrow AM. If you want to come by any time today... Mandy will be at the church getting ready for VBS.

Thanks for the prayers.... see you soon.

Oh yea....... Happy Father's Day!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Don't be a poser....

For some reason this is a theme with me today. It started in my quiet time as I struggled through an awefull headache.

Watch and laugh!


Undocumented Americans / Undocumented Christians

I am right now sitting at my desk working on VBS and Father's Day at the same time. I have a splitting headache and have taken all the medicine I can get my hands on. I decided to do something to get my mind off of my headache and turned on the radio. So I'm listening to Rush and this lady calls in to tell all of America that we are wrong by not considering everyone in America "Americans" regardless of their national origin. Thats like us calling everyone who comes to church a Christian isn't it? You can be of another nationality and become an American, but there is a clear process in which to do so. Likewise, you can be a great person, and work hard for the church in many different ways, but there is a CLEAR PROCESS to becoming a Christian. It's a simple as ABC.

Have you really become a blood-bought Christian, or are you impersonating one illegally?

Remember, your relationship between you and your SAVIOR is between the two of you. You can fool your family, but HE knows the truth.

This is a matter of life and death. Life for eternity, or wishing you could die.... for eternity.


Monday, June 11, 2007

Ready for VBS!!

I'm really pumped about the VBS that we are going to have next week, and I'm really looking forward to making this VBS the best ever. Wendy and Mandy have really worked out all the bugs from last year, and I think this could be the smoothest, most impacting week we have ever experienced.

I'll post a pic of the gym before Sunday. I'm going to turn the center isle into a soccer field! Let's all come prepared to "Get in the Game!"

Attention all kids....

Wednesday night I want to video tape you for a Father's Day Video. This is one of my special "I've got an idea!!!" type projects that I always seem to get about two weeks too late.

Night Night.....

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Getting it Done

OK so I have spent the last 3 hours with David Sutherland reconnecting the mess that a lightening strike made of our internet network at the church. It is back and actually appears to be a little better (faster) than it was to begin with. This has been a great day at New Hope.

Special Thanks to the Boyz that helped with the stage modification. Mitchell, Matt, Joey, and Mr Allen. We did a lot of work in a little time and I appreciate all the help!

Special Thanks also to Mandy who put the sound system back together in record time!

A lot has happened since I posted last, but the kids demand my attention right now. Come back as I should post something new every day this week. Until then.....

Friday, June 1, 2007

Special Thanks

Pastor Chad has his "Hero of the Week" ...... My version is simply "Special Thanks"

This weeks Special Thanks goes out to several folks.

The team of ladies that came to fold the newsletter. Myong Keith, Donna Wentz., and Freddie Spann. They had it knocked out before I got back to help them! This is a major undertaking as we now send out over 300 of these newsletters to our members and prospects families.

You can view the newsletter on our website at

This is MUCH better

Mandy can walk again! Praise God!
I got a full night sleep for two nights in a row and I feel great! I'm working on Sundays music and it should be great! A little preview of one of the songs is posted below. Learn it and be ready to sing it Sunday AM-- 8:30

Thanks for all who have made this week great, and thanks to those who have been a real pain in the neck. God has used you all to draw me closer to Him and realize that He has it all under control.

Pray for Pastor Chad and his family as they have left for a much deserved vacation.

See yall in the AM and be ready to be amazed.


Check this out

Some of you are wondering is this our praise team..... yea right!
This is actually Hillsong. I heard this song before Easter this year and really wanted to use it for Easter Sunday. It has stayed on my heart and in my mind and we will use it this week in worship.

Welcome Back to the New Hope Baptist Stage......